Thursday, June 5, 2008

Naturopathic Doctor or ND, the Alternative Medicine Provider

So you’re fed up with your doctor or your health in general. You’ve read lots of articles on the internet and in magazines about natural healing in its many different forms. And your friends and family have given you some helpful suggestions. But what’s right for you? How do you know that you won’t do yourself more harm than good by “doing it yourself.” Find a naturopath to help you.

Naturopathy, or naturopathic medicine is a healing system which works with the body’s own ability to heal itself. Hippocrates, born in Greece around 460 B.C., and known as the Father of Medicine (the Hippocratic Oath is based on his teaching), is credited as being the first practitioner of naturopathy. In his many writings he advocated that a sick person should be treated in a holistic manner, not just whatever part was affected. He doubted that illness was caused by evil spirits or angry gods. His treatments emphasized rest, eating right, fresh air and cleanliness.

Dr. Thomas Allinson of Scotland, physician, dietetic reformer, businessman and journalist, is credited with developing the theory of Hygienic Medicine in the 1880s. He championed a regimen of diet, exercise, fresh air and bathing. Whole grains were part of the diet he promoted, and his whole grain bread recipe is still in use today. He was also an early believer that smoking caused cancer.

John Scheele, a New Yorker, coined the term “Naturopathy” in 1895. He sold it to Benedict Lust. Lust, schooled in natural healing in Germany, taught a combination of basic medical sciences and natural healing at the first naturopathic medical school in North America.

The practice of naturopathy declined in the 1930s, as science became able to isolate the healing components of plants and develop medicines that were stronger than those contained in the plants themselves. As the side effects of these stronger medicines came to be known, along with bacteria becoming immune to antibiotics and the spiraling cost of modern medicine, the gentler, holistic art of naturopathy returned.

Naturopaths believe in the healing power of nature – vis medicatrix naturae. Their basic tenet is to do no harm. They are strong advocates of preventative measures to protect the body rather than treating a person after a problem has developed. And as with Hippocrates, they treat the whole patient, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Today, naturopathy takes advantage of many avenues of healing: homeopathy, herbs, chiropractic, naprapathy, nutrition, acupuncture, yoga, relaxation therapy, counseling and many more. Some naturopathic doctors are also trained in the use of diagnostic imaging, blood tests, and ultrasound as further aids in their practice. They do not use surgery or synthetic drugs in their treatments.

At this time, there are two types of naturopaths. A person who uses title Naturopathic Doctor, or ND, “In addition to a standard medical curriculum…is required to complete four years of training in clinical nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathic medicine, botanical medicine, psychology and counseling (to encourage people to make lifestyle changes in support of their personal health).” (Peter Barry Chowka of

The college they attend has to be accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education and they must pass rigorous exams given by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners. Fifteen states, the District of Columbia and four Canadian provinces license naturopaths.

Traditional naturopaths use the same natural treatments as those who are licensed. They usually have years of study and generally belong to professional organizations that oversee naturopathic practices; however, they have not taken accredited training. They often work in partnership with MDs, rather than as physicians themselves.

“A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illness.” Hippocrates

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